Tube MP4 Player video

by PoPapP


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Tube video is the best and fastest way to watching your favorite video.MP4 video Player is a free app for video player you can use to watching to the MP4 video files located on your SD card.This app contains many advanced features to help you watching to your videos as easy as possible. You can filter and sort your videos by artist and video name.Please note that this app can only play MP4 music files located on your SD Card. Please enjoy your MP4 video files with this app .Tube MP4 Player You can only play your own video MP4 files located on your phone and This app isn't able to transfer music for offline playback.MP4 Player Features:
- Full video player- Importing Videos from Dropbox Google Drive and Camera Roll- Support Touch ID Authentication- Support passcode lock- Supports standard video formats such as mp4, mov, m4v- Support playlists- Supports background video playing, which is perfect for music videos- Support airplay